Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Photographer Spotlight and other musings

What a difference a week makes. Winter Park was a grand success. Beautiful weather, beautiful setting, large crowd, and last but not least enough purchases for a modest profit. Then this morning I got word that I have been accepted into the St. Stephens Art Show. Wow! I had said I was going to wait to hear from Coconut Grove but comparing booth fees and the chance to get a corner booth if I accepted right away… well, I’ll definitely be in Miami in February.

Then Greg Kiser wrote this great story about me in his Photographer Spotlight. You can also see Greg’s wonderful photography here. I also found this wonderful quote:

"Above all, it's hard learning to live with vivid mental images of scenes I cared for and failed to photograph. It is the edgy existence within me of these unmade images that is the only assurance that the best photographs are yet to be made." --Sam Abell

This time of year, in the midst of multiple back to back art shows I often feel my spirit slipping away. Too much setup, selling, break down, and do it again. Not enough photography. This quote really spoke to me. I remembered my multitude of Alaska photographs. To tell the truth I was ill-prepared to go to Alaska. So many great pictures missed, so many things I would do differently if I have the chance to go again. I skimmed through the pictures, pulled out the very best, and had to stop looking at them. Now a year and a half later, I am looking again and remembering that vast beauty and wilderness. If nothing else, they are wonderful memories. And there might be a few good ones in there after all.

I must remember to experience as well as photograph.

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