Monday, November 2, 2009


Clif and I were out doing some riding on the fire roads in Ocala National Forest when we realized it was hunting season. How did we realize it was hunting season? By the pickup trucks barreling and bouncing down the roads. By the increased amount of trash in the forest. By new bullet holes in the signs. Sigh… I’m not against hunting as long as people use what they kill and follow the rules. But actions like these are one of the main reasons we head towards a Jeep trail on the map and find a gate across it with a closed sign. Hunters are certainly not the only offenders. No matter what time of year I go out there is never a lack of trash to pick up. I urge everyone who enjoys the out-of-doors to bring trash bags and pick up trash that you see as well as taking out your own and please check out for information on how to keep the out-of-doors nice for everyone.

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